Pantone Portable Guide Studio (Fg, Color Bridge, CMYK, Metallics, Pastels & Neons) Color Guides and Tools

Pantone Portable Guide Studio collection brings eight essential Pantone Graphics guides in one compact carrying case. With 294 new trend colors just added, this collection makes it easy for graphic, print, and digital designers to have access to Pantone’s Color tools, even while traveling or on the go. Useful for inspiration, logos and branding, marketing materials, digital design, and animation.

Features & Benefits

For comparing spot-to-process colour, logos and branding, packaging, digital design and animation.

Use for comparing spot-to-process color, logos and branding, packaging, digital design, and animation. 6,123 total spot, specialty spot and four-color process colors together for a value price.

Portable for on-the-go inspiration, visualization, color communication and verification. Convenient travel case protects and stores guides when not in use and ink formulations help printers accurately achieve Pantone Spot colors on printed materials.

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[additional information]
  • 224 new, trend- and market-relevant graphics colors added
  • Complete collection of all 2,390 traditional spot colors
  • 2,359 spot-to-process colors
  • 2,868 four-color process colors and 865 specialty metallic, pastel, and neon spot colors
  • Each color displayed with its corresponding number and ink formulation or values
  • Colors are arranged in chromatic format, with new color pages in the front of the book
  • Index in the back of each guide provides numeric location for each color
  • ​​Tolerance aim < 2.0 ∆E​00 to Pantone master standard reference data
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